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The Rise of the Ancient Kingdoms of Assyria and Babylon

 At the Time of the End

Daniel's Vision of the Ram and the He-Goat

By Robert Mock MD

April-June 2006

Part Five


The Dates of the Independence of the Islamic States in Africa and the Middle East



The Hashemite Kingdom of Syria and Iraq

The Rise of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Fall of the Hashemite King of Iraq

The Rise of the Hashemite Kingdom and the future Republic of Iraq

The Final End of the Iraq, the resurrected Ancient Empire of Babylon




For one thousand years, the Hashemite Arabic dynasty had ruled in the Middle East.  Yet, when the forces of globalism arrived to this corridor of ancient civilizations, the nationalistic clamor that led to the rise of the modern Islamic nations that surrounded the former homeland of the Jewish people were not allowed to happen.  This would only come with the international approval of the League of Nations and the Mandate that was given to the colonial imperial masters of the British and the French


Out of the Mandate given to a foreign power to “give occasion” for the establishment for the Nation of Israel also came the permission or denial by the globalist powers for the establishment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Syria, the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.  It was not oil that led to the national homes for the peoples of ancient Moabites, the Ammonites and the rise of the ancient peoples of Assyria and Babylon It was the Mandate to establish a homeland for the remnant of the ancient Hebrews. 


The rise and fall of these nations would be at the behest of the western globalist powers.  The jockeying for international hegemony in the Middle East would continue the tensions of the Cold War between the western financial globalists of the Internationalists and the Transnationalists called the Golden Internationale and the eastern Leninist-Communist Red Internationale.  As this epic struggle for world domination nears the end, the first to fall was the ancient land of Babylon.  Out of the ashes of the second fall of Babylon would raise the final one-world government that the ancient imperialist, Nebuchadnezzar, dreamed would be the Golden Statute of world domination.


The Hashemite Kingdom of Syria and Iraq and the Nation of Israel


After the concept of a homeland for the Jewish people was created in the mind and sponsored by British Prime Minister Balfour in 1917, the Hashemite Emir Faisal was setting up his own independent government in 1918 in the city of Damascus.  His brother Abdullah was offered the royal throne of Iraq.  By the time the 1919 Paris Peace Conference convened and Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations was presented and approved, the independent nation for the Arabs had been rejected by the colonial powers of Britain and France


After the concept of a homeland for the Jewish people was created in the mind and sponsored by British Prime Minister Balfour in 1917, the Hashemite Emir Faisal was setting up his own independent government in 1918 in the city of Damascus and his brother Abdullah was offered the royal throne of Iraq


With the carving up of the Middle East, Great Britain was awarded the mandates over Transjordan, Palestine and Iraq while France was awarded the mandate over Syria and Lebanon.  France quickly moved down and forcibly evicted King Faisal I from the throne he had just been elected by the General Syrian Congress in 1920. 


The dream of a Greater Arab Empire was coming face to face with the globalist dreams of carving up the Middle East for the western powers own political interests


Hijaz is today known as the region where the Islamic holy city of Mecca is located.  Around 1916, Sherif Hussein ibn Ali, the Sherif of Makkah (Mecca) proclaimed the independence of Hijaz from the Ottoman Empire. Six years later, his rule was usurped by Ibn Saud, the ruler of the neighboring new nation of Nejd. During World War I, the Kingdom of Hijaz and Nejd was provoked into rebellion by T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), a British archeologist who was a British intelligence officer. 


The Partition of the Middle East between the French and the British


An English-Scot born in Wales in 1907, Lawrence received his degree in archeology in Jesus College in Britain with his acclaimed thesis titled, “The Influence of the Crusades on European Military Architecture” with his field research in France and Damascus.  The lure of the Middle East soon became his devotion.  At Carchemish in northern Syria, he worked with Hogarth and Campbell-Thompson of the British Museum. He later returned to work with Leonard Woolley at Carchemish and went on to work with the famed William Finders Petrie at Kafr Ammar in Egypt.  In his extensive travels over Saudi Arabia led Lawrence of Arabia to assume an identity with the people he grew to love


Lt. Col Thomas Edward Lawrence, i.e. Lawrence of Arabia (photo courtesy of the Imperial War Museum)


As an enlisted British Military Intelligence officer, Lawrence was stationed in Cairo. On October 1916, he was sent to the Arabian Desert to as a British liaison to report on the Arab nationalist movementsFor one thousand years the ruling Hashemite family has ruled from Mecca.  It was there that Lawrence became closest of friends with the Emir Faisal I, the son of Sherif Hussein of Mecca.  With his legendary white Arabian robe (initially a hint as a wedding garment) given to him by Prince Faisal, he fought with their irregular troops in guerrilla operations against the armed forces of the Ottoman Empire. 


The claim to fame of Lawrence of Arabia was to convince and assist the Arab leaders to co-ordinate their revolts in order to assist the British.  Persuaded not to drive out the Ottomans from Medina, the Turks kept a large sector of their troops tied up in the Medina garrison while the Arabs sabotaged the Hijaz railway that supplied the garrison. 


The Jordanian Port of Aqaba across the Red Sea as seen from the Dolphin Reef Park at Eilat, Israel by Robert Mock


By July 6, 1917, a joint invasion of Arab irregulars and forces under Auda Abu Tayi, formerly with the Ottomans, made a daring raid and captured the strategically located port of Aqaba, next to the Israeli port city of Eilat where Israelis scuba dive in the famed Red Sea coral reefs. 


Flushed with victory Lawrence of Arabia traveled back to headquarters in Cairo and reported the victory of Aqaba to his commanding officer, General Edmund Allenby.  Using Lawrence as his Arabic liaison with the Saudi Bedouin soldiers, the British troops in December, 1917 moved upwards from Egypt towards Jerusalem.  Here General Allenby became the first Christian conqueror to walk through the gates of the holy city of Jerusalem since the days of the Crusades.  By early 1918, Allenby defeated the Turkish Army in Palestine and with the fatal strike at the Battle of Megiddo in September of that same year the road to Damascus was now open


Coral Reefs in the Red Sea near Aqaba, Jordan and Eilat, Israel by Robert Mock


With Lawrence also came the rise and the hopes of Arabian nationalism and a Greater Islamic Empire called Pan-Arab.  In 1918, he presented to the British Cabinet his dream a Middle East based on the tribal sensibilities of the Middle Eastern families and the commercial routes that forged their common identity.  A map of the Middle East that was drafted by Lawrence of Arabia, lost in time was later found, was put on exhibit in the Imperial War Museum in London


Here he showed the regional borders he recommended for the Armenians, modern day Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia plus the land of Palestine.


With the guidance of Lawrence of Arabia, Prince Faisal and his mounted Bedouin troops became a part of Allenby’s final push to Damascus.   They used their Arabian horse mounted bands to sabotage the Turkish railroad and ambush the moving of the Turkish troops and supply trains.  General Allenby used his mechanized British forces to mount lightning strikes against the remaining Ottoman army


Lawrence of Arabia’s Map of the Middle East – Larger Print


As Lawrence and the Arabs laid siege and later captured the city of Damascus, Prince Faisal I had already installed his Arab government when General Allenby and the British forces arrived. Lawrence of Arabia was translating for General Allenby when he informed Prince Faisal that the Arab government would not be recognized as the legitimate government for the city of Damascus.  The fact was out, Syria and the city of Damascus would be turned over to the French as part of the French Mandate. Devoting his life to the cause of the Arabian independence from foreign domination, Lawrence after that meeting requested a leave from his commander and returned to his home in England a heart broken man.


The Rise of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Fall of the Hashemite King of Iraq


King Faisal of IraqKing Faisal I of Iraq (1885-1933) by the Encyclopedia of the Orient


Such was the effect upon all the Arab peoples, in the lands of the Middle East.  Their aspirations for self-rule and independence were all tempered with the fact that their fate was determined by a people in the western global powers that were their bitter enemies during the years of the European Crusades to the Holy Land.  As so it seemed again, the British as the emissaries of the western Christian powers ignored the will of the Arabs and the Iraqi people. 


With Damascus taken away from the Prince, now Emir Faisal I, by late 1920, Emir Abdullah led an Arabian force northward from the Hijaz (Mecca) to restore the throne to his brother Emir Faisal I in the newly announced Kingdom of Syria. With the French forces firmly planted in Damascus, Prince Faisal I had no other choice of going south to set up his government in the city of Amman in the modern country of Jordan.  Prince, now Emir Faisal I, had also to give up or delay his dreams of a Greater Islamic Empire.  Who were responsible for this broken dream?  The English and the French?  Yes, in part, but the real blame was laid at the feet of the Jewish people by the Arab leadersIf the pathway of setting up a national home for the Jewish had not been thrust upon the national geo-political scene by the British, the pathway to war with the Ottoman Empire may not have taken place.


The rise of nationalism with the Bedouin tribes of Arabia came also on the heels that a national home for the Jews was being set in motion by 20th century Image of QuadricycleChristian “Crusaders” in the midst of the land that was so hotly contested a thousand years prior. 


Henry Ford’s first experimental gasoline driven motor car


The global politics of oil was not to be for another eighteen years. Henry Ford created his first gasoline powered motor car in 1896 with the “Quadricycle.”  The first mass production of the famous Model T Ford came in Detroit on October 1,  1908, but the international quest for oil would not reach the Middle East until 1938. 


The 1914 Model T Touring Car


Within the land of the British Mandate of Palestine, the land was divided into three administrative districts, each with their own British administrators.  With the determination to bring his dreams of a pan-Arab nation by Emir Abdullah under the banner of the Hashemite family, he was given administrative jurisdiction over the three districts in Palestine called “Transjordan.” The roots of the modern Nation of Jordan were planted on April 11, 1921 as the Emirate of Jordan. 


That same year, 1921, the Kingdom of Iraq was established with King Faisal I of the Hashemite dynasty establishing his throne.  The regions of Ma’an and Tabuk became the new national Kingdom of Hijaz, the ancestral home of the Hashemite family and the guardians of the holy city of Islam, Mecca.


Five years later the Hashemites lost the Kingdom of Hijaz to Abdel Azia bin Saud of Nejd who was backed by the famed warriors of the Wahhabi movementOne thousand years of Hashemite rule over the holy site of Mecca was over.


Left to right: King Ali of the Hijaz, King Abdullah of Jordan, Crown Prince (later King) Talal of Jordan, Abdul llah (Regent of Iraq), circa 1937.
© Royal Hashemite Court Archives


The Emir Abdullah continued to work towards his Pan-Arab empire. He later was able to establish an Anglo-Transjordan treaty and on May 15, 1923, the British recognized the Emirate of Transjordan as a formal state with its rule as Emir Abdullah. Only six years after the gentile nation that the God of Israel established to rise up and give its power and international authority to help establish the pathway for the resurrection of the “bones and sinews” of the national homeland for the Jewish people had now turned against her mandate.  The Jewish Zionists who were seeking to establish a homeland were angered for over two-thirds of the land in Palestine Mandate was now severed away as Transjordan now was to be a separate independent state under the supervision of the British high commissioner in JerusalemTwo years later, in 1925, the Aqaba and Ma’an districts of the Hijaz became a part of Transjordan.


Over the next twenty years, between 1925 and 1945, the able administration of Emir Abdullah consolidated, institutionalized and molded together the various Bedouin tribes within his kingdom.  A military security force was established that gave protection to the state which included the “fabled” Arab Legion.  By 1928, a constitution with a Legislative Council (Arab parliament) that were elected their first year in 1929Multiple treaties between the British and the Trans-Jordanian Arab state led to the final goal of independent statehood on March 22, 1946.  Two months later, Emir Abdullah was crowned king of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. 


The Rise of the Hashemite Kingdom and the future Republic of Iraq


Map showing the Ottoman provinces of Mosul, Baghdad and BasraMeanwhile in Iraq, Emir Faisal I, a Sunni king from Mecca, assumed the throne to the new Kingdom of Iraq that League of Nations granted to Britain in its mandate.  As noted above, there was no ancestral land of Iraq.  It was actually a creation and melding of three separate regions in the Ottoman Empire that were called vilayets (regions); Mosul (Kurdistan region in the north), Baghdad (Sunni dominated region in the center) and Basra (Shi’ite dominated region in the south).  All were administered out of Iraq. 


The Three Regions (Vilayets) in the Creation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq


Iraq became a sovereign monarchial state on October 11, 1932 when it was admitted as a member of the League of Nations.  Earlier the English-French-American consortium called the Turkish Petroleum obtained the concession for the exploration and the development of Iraqi oil fields.  Turkish Petroleum was remained in 1929 as Iraq Petroleum


It would be three years later in 1932 that the King-Faisal-I.jpginternational oil exploitation made its first discoveries in the Arab Gulf States.  Standard Oil Company of California announced its first discovered deposits in Bahrain, was granted 60 year concession in the Hasa region on the shores of Saudi Arabia (May, 1933), discoveries at Dhahran (1935) and then in eastern Arabia (1938). 


King Faisal I of Iraq (1921-1923)


With King Faisal I now as the new ruler of the throne of Iraq, the Hashemite family would begin a dynasty that would rule Iraq from its independence in 1932 until 1958.  There was one proviso; his rule was under the watchful eye of the British Mandate authorities. On December 1938, the “Golden Square (4)” called “The Seven” announced a coup in Iraq and installed a new Prime Minister, Nuri al-Sa’id.  Remaining close to the British and also the throne, he assisted in the transition of royal power when King Ghazi I, the son of King Faisal I, died in a car accident on April 1939, and his four year old son, Faisal II became the new king of Iraq under the regency of Prince ‘Abd al-Illah. 


The Boy King Faisal II (1935-1958), King of Iraq (1939-1958)


With the start of World War II, the pro-nationalist sector of Iraq under the pro-English General Nuri Sa’id pronounced the nation neutral in the  emerging World War II and severed its relationship with Nazi Germany.  Yet when Prime Minister Nuri al-Sa’id sought to dissolve “The Seven” and reestablish civilian control, “The Seven” reasserted their power.  On March 1940, they forced the resignation of Prime Minister Nuri Al-Sa’id with the alliance of the regent Prince ‘Abd al-IllahRashid ‘Ali was installed as the Prime Minister of Iraq and his prime supporter the exiled Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Husseini began to agitate for a overthrow of the Iraqi monarchy


In the July 2005 article in BibleSearchers Reflections titled “The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Muslim Brotherhood,” we pick up the story.


BibleSearchers Reflections – “As the rise of the Nazi state began in earnest with the appointment of Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany, al-Husseini began to make bid for an alliance with the Nazi State.  He sought to represent the Muslim Brotherhood as a liaison with the Nazis.  Between 1936 – 1939, the Mufti worked an arrangement with Adolf Eichmann to funnel money from the SS (German Secret Service) to the Muslim Brotherhood to foment a revolt in the Middle East.  By 1939, the Mufti fled when he open the doors for direct aid from the Nazi command to the Arab military forces. (Joseph Schechtman, “The Mufti and the Fuehrer” p. 44-46 quoted by David Storobin in,”Nazi Influence on the Middle East During WWII, Global Politician, January 5, 2005)


Mufti al-Husseini fled to Syria and while living there in exile between 1939 and April 1941, he collaborated Khairallah Tulah and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (Syrian Nazi Party) in a revolt in Iraq.  Together this group formed the Baath Parties of Syria and Iraq. (Joseph Schechtman, “The Mufti and the Fuehrer” p. 44-46 quoted by David Storobin in,”Nazi Influence on the Middle East During WWII, Global Politician, January 5, 2005)


Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem


The Mufti Amin al-Husseini of the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood and Khairallah Tulah of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (Syrian Nazi Party) formed the Baath Parties of Iraq and Syria, the parties of Saddam Hussein and Bashar al-Assad.


With the Mufti exiled, with relief the British sought how to continue to appease the Arabs as the American administration of Bush, the “Quartet” and the British administration of Blair still did at the beginning of the 21st century.  The British Peel Commission (1937) offered in violation of the League of Nations Mandate (1922) to divide up the land that was given to the Jewish people for their “National Home.”  This Mandate contained the specific proviso that such a division was prohibited.  Again in 1939, the British again issued a White Paper that rejected the idea of a Jewish National Home and began to restrict Jewish immigration.”


Hajj Amin al Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, allied himself with Nazi Germany. While exiled in Berlin and sponsored by Nazi agencies, he brought to the creation of Moslem battalions within the German Waffen-SS. 


By 1940, Hitler’s German Blitzkrieg into Europe appeared unstoppable.  On the continent of Europe, Poland, France, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg fell beneath their forces.  Mussolini’s Italy plus Spain made the Fuehrer look invincible.  The rest of the world was also under assault.  The Japanese in a massive invasion across Asia saw China, the Koreas, Taiwan and the Philippines topple under her mighty power.  With the United States immobilized in radical isolationism, only Winston Churchill and the British stood alone on the European War.  The British still had power on the western front of Continental Europe and in the Middle East.


This fact alone, with Hitler’s fantasies of a mystical power with global domination and his lust to find the Ark of the Covenant gave Hassan al-Banna and Haj Amin al-Husseini the capacity to become the perfect “key” to bring the Muslim world and the Middle East under the Nazi domination.  They all wanted to get rid of the Jews and the British, plus the Hashemite kingdom that was the “nation-state” Britain had built in the midst of the Middle East. 


On this same year, the British puppet king, King Ghazi, the son of King Faisal I of Iraq died and left to the monarch his only son, four years old.  Emir Abdul-Illah was proclaimed regent for the young Hussein monarchial heir.  One of his first moves was to offer the Prime Minister to Rashid Ali al-Kaylani.  The problem was that Kaylani had strong links to Nazi Germany and Mufti Haj al-Husseini in Jerusalem.  The country quickly shifted into the political influence of Nazism.  Along with this influence the Mufti of Jerusalem and his emissaries became the intermediary between the Nazis and the Iraqi monarchy.  The winds of influence swung back and forth between Germany and Britain but with the defeat of Rommel in Egypt the major thrust of the Nazis was over.


During al-Husseini’s years in Iraq, John Roy Carlson in his book, “Cairo to Damascus” wrote of the life of Haj Amin in the land that was later controlled by Saddam Hussein:

John Roy Carlson - “Haj Amin lavished huge funds on the men he had placed in office, and gained enormous influence over Iraqi officials, army generals, police chiefs. He controlled major appointments; he whipped up Axis sentiment among the illiterate and fanatical masses for a Jehad against the Allied cause, and otherwise perfected his fifth column machine. Against this background Axis propaganda itself was intensified. Germany was set up as a ‘savior to the Moslem world,’ and Hitler was touted as ‘a descendant of the Prophet, the enemy of the Jews and the British, the Protector of Islam’ who was devoting himself to the establishment of an Arab federation free from British control. Serving as virtually the uncrowned king of Iraq, the Mufti was now ready to write Hitler proposing ‘collaboration in all spheres.’” (John Roy Carlson; “Cairo to Damascus”; Published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.; 1951, 415-416)


As we see the destiny of Israel kept intertwining with the destiny of Iraq even at its inception.  This time “The Seven” sought to overthrow the Iraqi monarchy and on April 1941 General Nuri Sa’id and regent Abdul Illah for King Faisal II along with the youth King Faisal I fled the land of Iraq.  It appeared to the Allied Powers that the new Prime Minister Rashid ‘Ali al-Kaylani as the head of the “National Defense” intended to adhere to the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty.  When he refused to allow passage through the country of Iraq by the British forces as per provision of the treaty and began to announce public support for the Axis regime of Adolf Hitler, the British Armed Forces returned back into Iraq to restore the Iraqi throne.  General Nuri Sa'id was restored as Prime Minister and regent Abdul Illah for King Faisal II, the juvenile grandson of King Faisal I returned to the throne of Iraq, this time at the support of the globalist imperial Nation of Britain.   


With Britain at her side, the Nation of Iraq formally declared war on Germany and Italy and the British forces remained until 1947.  They left when driven out by the nationalistic Israeli Irgun prior to the installation of the Nation of Israel on May 15, 1948.  In 1948, Iraq became part of the five pan-Arab nations that declared war against Israel.  With a resounding military defeat and Israel winning the war with only 1/5th the military troops, Iraq also refused to sign the peace treaty and remained a hostile force with Israel to this day.


With the arrival of the British forces, it was now Rashid ‘Ali al-Kaylani who fled the land of Iraq.  BibleSearchers Reflections picks up the story:


BibleSearchers Reflections – “Leaving for Germany on April 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini immediately was brought before the Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler.  According to Storobin:

“He (Mufti al-Husseini) reportedly sought to discourage the further deportation of Jews from Europe and instead encouraged Germany to seek alternate approaches. Some have even suggested that he had a direct hand in the creation of the Concentration Camps.  While in Berlin, al-Husseini served as a Nazi propaganda and rallying point for Muslims both in Europe and in the Middle East including regular radio broadcasts urging armed revolts and attacks on Allied and Jewish interests.  In addition, al-Husseini served symbolically as the commander of the notorious all Muslim Balkan Hanjar Waffen SS division(David Storobin in ,”Nazi Influence on the Middle East During WWII, Global Politician, January 5, 2005)


Mufti Haj al-Husseini landed on the most wanted list of England by declaring a fatwa (Islamic religious ruling) that all Muslims were to support the pro-Axis government in Iraq.  Sponsored by Churchill, on May 1941, David Raziel, the right-wing leader of the Jewish Irgun, the predecessor of the Likud Grand Mufti with HitlerParty in Israel, was sent to Iraq to assassinate the Mufti in exile.  Raziel was killed by a German plane in route to Iraq, but with the long arm of the British and Jews closing in on his life, al-Husseini fled to Europe dressed like a woman(Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. cited online on June 22, 2004 at


Grand Mufti Amin al-Husseini with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler


On November 28, 1941, Mufti Haj al-Husseini met with Adolf Hitler.  An Arab propaganda bureau was set up for him.  The Mufti’s role and responsibility in the Nazi government was to set up espionage cells in Europe and the Middle East, establish Muslim military Nazi SS divisions plus Wehrmacht units in the Balkans, Bosnia, in North Africa and parts of the Soviet Union controlled by the Nazis. Mufti Haj al-Husseini was to be later named the SS Gruppenfuehrer by Heinrich HimmlerAdolf Hitler called him the “Fuhrer of the Arab World.”  (Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. cited online on June 22, 2004 at


On May 29, 1941, the now fleeing former Prime Minister Rashid ‘Ali found that there was not to be any German or Axis support.  He escaped to Tehran, Iran, moving swiftly through underground channels to Germany in November 1941 and later ends up in Saudi Arabia in May 1945. 


In 1953 Faisal II, now achieving manhood, was crowned as the new king of the country of Iraq. He became the ruler in a nation that was flexing it wings against the globalist oil industry.  In 1952, they legalized and increasing the share of the oil revenues for the Nation of Iraq from the oil activity of the Iraq Petroleum company


Rashid ‘Ali al-Kaylani and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini of the Muslim Brotherhood in Iraq set up an alliance with Khairallah Tulah of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (Syrian Nazi Party).  They formed the Ba’ath Parties of Iraq and Syria.  These forces would soon topple forever the Hashemite Monarchial Dynasty of Iraq


Within five years, on July 14, 1958, Brigadier General  Abdel Karim Qassem, a Nasserite sympathizer murdered King Faisal II and all the immediate royal family.  He then pulled Iraq out of the Baghdad Pact and opened relationship with the Soviet Union between the years 1958 to 1963


The King Faisal II of Iraq (1939-1958) with King Saud of Arabia and Nuri Pasha As-Saled, Prime Minister


The same forces that today form the parties of former President Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Bashar al-Assad of Syria are the same product of the virulent anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi forces of the Mufti of Jerusalem al-Husseini of the Palestinian sector of the Muslim Brotherhood and the recently installed Palestinian government leaders of the Hamas sector of the Muslim Brotherhood


The mantle of power continued to evolve by the coup of Colonel Abdul al-Salam Arif in February, 1963, who on his death transferred the power of the presidency to his brother, Abdul Rahman Arib.  President Arib five years later was overthrown by the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party in a bloodless coup by Ba’thist general Ahmad Hassan al-BakrYear after year, the Ba’thist Party continued to purge its members until the final strongman, Saddam Hussein usurped the Presidency of Iraq in 1979. He ruled with a strong hand until toppled from power by an international coalition led by America and Britain in 2003. 


Seventy Years of Rule of the Independent Nation of Iraq (Ancient Babylon)


Independence of Iraq – October, 1932

Hashemite Rule of Iraq – October 11, 1932 to July 14, 1958

Brigadier General Abdel Karim Qassem – July 14, 1958 to February, 1963

Colonel Abdul al-Salam Arif and brother Abdul Rahman Arib – February, 1963 to 1968

Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party coup by General Ahmad Hassan al-Badr – 1968

The Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party rule with various rulers – 1968-1979

Final Strongman, Saddam Hussein usurped the Presidency of Iraq – 1979-2003


With the arrival of the leadership of Saddam Hussein, the Ba’thist Party immediately began to change.  With no military training in his past, Hussein’s party suddenly became the most military government in the Middle East.  It was not what Saddam did when he rose to power but what he did after he arrived in power that defined the government of Hussein.  Feeling triumphant after the Iran-Iraq War from 1980 to 1988, he immediately began the al-Anfal campaign in 1987-89.   Under the command of a cousin of Saddam Hussein, Ali Hasan al-Majid, they used aerial bombing, systemic destruction of over 1,274 or 75% of the Kurdish villages, destroying over 2,450 Islamic mosques and 1,750 schools


The Republic of Iraq


The Kurdish populations were subjected to mass deportations and population redistribution, ring squads, internment in concentration camps and chemical warfare.  Multiple chemical agents including mustard gas, sarin, tabun, VX and possibly the blood agent hydrogen cyanide were air dropped over the town of Halabja.  This made this one campaign the largest chemical warfare attack in modern times.  Over 7000 were killed at that time.


According to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, up to 182,000 Kurds and non-Arabs in Northern Iraq were massacred around the city of Kirkuk in Iraqi Kurdistan. As told in television interview with the Iraqi president on September 6, 2005, Jalal Talabani claimed that he was informed by the Iraqi judges that they had extracted the personal confessions from Saddam Hussein that he did order the “mass killings” when he served as president of Iraqi


Within ten years, Saddam invaded into Kuwait (1990) in a move that precipitated a coalition of international countries of the world under the leadership of President George H.W. Bush to invade Iraq in the Second Gulf War. On January 17, 1991, “Operation Desert Storm” began with an Apache helicopter strike at 2:38 a.m.  The next day, the first scuds hit Israel while the first American air attack was launched from Turkey.  In seven days, the US 101st Airborne Division had cut Highway 8 in the Euphrates Valley.  Three days later, on February 28, 1991 a cease-fire took place at 8 a.m. and the war with Iraq was over


Stopping only at the gates of Baghdad, this coalition left a demoralized country with a demolished military.  Iraq was immediately surrounded with the United Nations sanctions whose results did prevent Saddam Hussein from completing a remilitarized state.  In turn, these sanctions became one of the causes in the estimated deaths of 400,000 to 800,000 Iraqi children’s deaths


In the next 60 days, the Kurds in the north and the Shi’as in the south revolted with the encouragement of the United States.  This revolt was quickly routed by Saddam Hussein in the south when Samara was recaptured on March 29, 1991 and the northern revolt quelled by early April.  About 1.5 million Kurds fled into the regions of North and Eastern Iraq, Turkey and Iran.


With military no-fly zones over the northern Kurdish province of Mosul and the southern Shiite province of Basra, the international globalists prevented any re-insurgence of military resistance from the Sunni Islamic dominated center of Iraq ruled by Saddam Hussein.  Very adept at psychological warfare, Saddam Hussein still was able to present himself to his people and to the western globalist powers that he was their equal. 


After the established terms of peace by the UN Security Council Resolution 687 on April 3, 1991, the property of Kuwait was returned and the process of economic sanctions and Iraqi disarmament began. Within six months covert operations formally began in Iraq under the CIA Directorate Frank Anderson.  The Iraqi National Congress was established in June 1992 as an opposition government in exile under Ahmad Chalabi. 


Over the next ten years, Iraq and the western globalists traded off skirmishes with the installation of surface-to-air missiles in the southern US.UK declared no-fly zones.  Then several Iraqi incursions were made into the demilitarize zone with Kuwait.  This continued until the Iraqi National Assembly officially acknowledged the sovereignty of Kuwait on November 10, 1994.


In 1995, the major defections of members of the family of Saddam Hussein, Husayn Kamil and Saddam Kamil revealing unseen documents on the past concealment of Iraqi WMD capacities, an unsuccessful cash program to develop the nuclear bomb (1995), along with the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 986 that established the “Oil for Food” Program on April 14, 1995


In 1996, when the two Iraqi sons-in-law defectors against Saddam Hussein were ignored by the opposition Iraqi groups, they returned to Iraq with the permission of Saddam Hussein and promptly disappeared with their assassinations. By June 26, the Iraqi National Accord organized a coup conducted by CIA operative within UNSCOM with 120 coup leaders arrested, most of them executed.  Iran in one month began making incursions into northern Kurdish “safe havens” and the United States began military strikes within Iraqi and moved the no-fly zone to the 33rd parallel at the suburbs of Baghdad. 


The Final End of Iraq, the resurrected Ancient Empire of Babylon


Finally in December 1996, the western globalist’s dream of oil flowing out of the country began for the first time since Operation Desert Storm.  This oil revenue that was designed to generate revenue for food and medicine for the 18 million Iraqis living under the rule of Saddam’s Baghdad government began to flow through a Turkish pipeline.  The humanitarian crisis was escalating to a crisis proportion as an estimated 10,000 Iraqis died every month with an estimated 750,000 Iraqi people dying by malnutrition and lack of medical and health care between the years of August 1990 to December 2006. 


One year later (1997) Saddam demanded that the US members of the UNSCOM to be sent from the country and the entire team moved in and out of the country under intensive international western pressure. By October 1998, the UNSCOM's Report on Iraqi VX Warheads was completed that demonstrated that Iraq did have weaponized VX agent in missile warheads and by November 1, 1998 all cooperation of Iraq with UNSCOM was halted. 


Under threat of a missile strike by the United States, Saddam agreed again to cooperate with the UNSCOM on November 15, 1998 yet within one month, “Operation Desert Fox” bombardment of Iraq began when the head of UNSCOM accursed Iraq of not “fully cooperating.”  With the continued military air strikes in Iraq by America and Britain the relationship between Iraq and the western powers hit a new low even with the installation of a new UN monitoring, verification and inspection commission called UNMOVIC. 


The Collapse of the Twin 110-story Towers of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001


 From 1999 to 2001 with the September 11, 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the relationship between the United States and Iraq was virtually non-existent. The Nation of Iraq was declared a major player in the attacks on America and designated as a member of the “Axis of Evil.”  The first officially noted bombing raids began again in Iraq as surface to air missile batteries were targeted in Southern Iraq while “defectors” were beginning to bring reports that hijackers were training at the Salman Pak base in Iraq in a mockup of a Boeing 707.  Quickly Saddam Hussein was linked with massive deposits of WMD, collusion with the planners of the 911 attack on New York and Washington D.C. and a rigorous linkage between the now emerging Osama bin Laden and the regime of Saddam Hussein. 


We failed to comprehend that the emerging powers of the Shi’ite Iranian Ayatollah regime of Iran and the emerging Islamic models of theocratic governance under the Sharia laws of Allah of Osama bin Laden were fundamentally the same. At the same time, the secular models of governance under Saddam Hussein were fundamentally pro-Nazi and against the western Golden Internationale global force of the European Union fronted by the United States seeking to dominate this planet.   


The Ayatollahs, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were more philosophically allied with the Red Internationale and the secular atheistic models of governance of the Leninist Communist countries of Russia and China than any affiliation with the Golden Internationale of the western European and American global interests.  

The Shock and Awe Campaign in Baghdad, Iraq


This jockeying for global power is being played out today on the global arena in stark reality as Iran, supported by the Red Internationale powers of Russia and China is seeking to absorb the Islamic stated in the Middle East with Iran’s in her global vision of an Islamic planet for Allah


The rhetoric of the United States versus Iraq went global when in the State of the Union speech on January 29, 2003, the President of the United States George Bush triangled the countries of Iraq, Iran and North Korea along with Syria as the new “Axis of Evil.”  As stated, “by seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger."


For the next nine months the political arena was hot in negotiations to no avail.  As the western globalist pressure peaked with the September 12, 2002 address to the United Nations by President George Bush calling for multilateral action against Iraq, this was soon followed by the September 22, 2002 revelation by British Prime Minister Tony Blair in a dossier showing Iraq has significant WMD capabilitiesWith a new UN Security Council Resolution 1441 giving the final call to declare all WMD in its possession, the verification of such weapons and their destruction and the US claims that it was not complete or convincing, this planet once again saw a more diminished coalition of western powers of the Golden Internationale initiate a war against Iraq on March 7, 2003


The Shock and Awe at Hussein’s Presidential Palace at Baghdad, Iraq


With stiff resistance from France, Germany, Russia and the Arab states, on March 19, 2003, the alliance of over forty nations around the world invaded southern Iraq initiated with a raid against a meeting of Saddam Hussein and his advisors in Baghdad.  Saddam Hussein escaped alive and the anticipated “shock and awe” war began.  The US forces made one of the fastest lightning streaks across the Mediterranean deserts since the days of Alexander the Great.  They were met with only light resistance.  The democratic Hellenistic force of ancient Greece under the command of Alexander the Great merged in living and prophetic reality as the modern democratic globalist nation of the United States under the command of President George Bush conquered the ancient land of Babylon on April 9, 2003.


By March 22, it appeared that the coalition forces were bogged down at Um Qasr and Basra in the south and also on the road to Baghdad at Nasariyeh further north. What was not known is that this war was a covert war, a massive psychological war by the United States, who was patiently awaiting the signals by the generals of Saddam Hussein to lay down their arms.  The armies of the “bully” of the Islamic world bowed in abeyance to the dominate force of the United States and the western international globalists.


On April 9, 2003, the capital of Iraq at Baghdad fell to the American forces and the Iraq War of 2003 was declared completed on May 1, 2003. 


Saddam Hussein captured like a “Rat in a Hole”


View of hideoutDecember 14, 2003 - Views of the hole where Saddam Hussein was found

during the raid in Tikrit, as seen in this image released Sunday.

Soldiers from the 4th Infantry Division arrested Saddam on Saturday. (AP photo)


By July 22, 2003, the two sons of Saddam Hussein, Uday and Qusay Hussein were killed in a shootout with American troops.  On October 16, 2003, the legitimacy of the American supported provisional Iraqi government was established by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1511 on Iraq.  On December 13, 2003, Saddam Hussein, looking like the characture of the ancient demented King Nebuchadnezzar, was captured alive hiding in a hole in the ground.  He was taken to prison awaiting a national trial in Iraq. 


On March-April 2003, the Spring Passover season of the Hebrews, the nation of Iraq was invaded by the United States and an international coalition of allies.  Under the watchful eye of 150,000 military soldiers, a Coalition Provisional Authority was established to govern Iraq and set up its own security forces.  This authority was later transferred to the non-elected Iraqi Interim Government in 2004 and later to the Iraq Transitional Government in May 2005.  After its first general election open to all candidates on December 2005, the Government of Iraq was elected to serve from 2006-2010.  As of mid-2006, the Prime Minister of Iraq, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, who was reelected by his Shi’ite majority in the United Iraqi was being challenged by the Sunnis and the Kurds in Iraq. 


Plaguing the Coalition Authority and the new government of Iraq has been a medley of various insurgent groups whose allegiance centers around resistance to foreign occupation.  These include the resurrection of the ancient Islamic Caliphate envisioned by the Shi’ite Ayatollahs of Iran and the Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood inspired Osama bin Laden. They also include the anti-monarchial and the anti-Turkish and British elements of the Nazi inspired Ba’ath PartyThe final strongman of the Ba’ath Party was the Sunni regime of Saddam Hussein.  His supporters are still seeking to restore the secular Iraqi power that they had under Saddam Hussein and the Assad regime in Syria.  The second fall of Babylon was now over and the rise of the third was sure to come.


Go to Part One –

Daniel, the Palace at Shushan and the Tomb of Daniel


Go to Part Two –

The Two-horned Ram, the Shaggy Unicorn he-Goat and the Rise of the Little Horn


Go to Part Three –

The Rabbinic Interpretation of the 2300 Day Prophecy


Go to Part Four –

The Rise of Israel and the Ancient Empires


Go to Part Five –

The Rise of the Ancient Kingdoms of Assyria, Babylon and Persia at the Time of the End


Go to Part Six –

The Apocalyptic Globalist Sea Beast, the Islamic Earth Beast and the Rise of the Shi’ite Theocratic Nation of Islam


Go to Part Seven –

The Rise of the Ancient Persian Empire with the Pahlavi Dictator the Shah of Iran


Go to Part Eight –

The Globalist Red Internationale Axis –

Greater Mongolian Dynasty of Russia, China and Persia


Go to Part Nine –

The Influence of the Persian Ram upon the Modern Islamic  Shi’ite Nation of Iran




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Historical Background courtesy of Wikipedia online

Jerusalem, Capital of Israel by Jerusalem Archives

MidEast Web Gateway

Iraq: the complexities of an artificial nation by Radio Netherlands

British Relationship with Iraq by British Broadcasting Co